Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Looking Back at the Diagnoses

By Kristin Selby Gonzalez
Director of Autism Education, Enzymedica
I remember when I was a little girl I dreamed of having a family. I envisioned crazy weekends with two or three kids running amuck in the house. My husband and I barbequing in the backyard as our kids swam in the pool and I couldn’t wait to be the soccer mom that taxied each child to school and their activities. However, on Oct. 15, 2004 that dream was taken from me. That was the day I was told my son had autism.
The specialist said that my child would never talk, look or have any friends. I remember hearing the words, “This is the best your child will ever be.” The world went from color to black on that day for me. How could this be? My perfect baby boy who was only 2 years 4 months was now facing what I thought of at the time as a death sentence. They went on to tell me that my son did not know the difference between me, his own mother or the chair I was sitting in. I couldn’t feel my body and I have no idea how I ever stood up and left the office. As I got home I slipped into a deep depression.

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